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H. Pylori, friend or foe?

H. Pylori is a normal bacteria found in our stomach. However, when the immune system becomes weakened, it can burrow itself in our stomach lining and create a variety of disturbances, such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, and potentially stomach cancer.


  • Upper abdominal discomfort
  • Belching
  • Bloating
  • Feeling full after eating a small amount of food
  • Heartburn
  • Mild nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Dark or black colored stools
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss

Other concerns that have been associated with an H. Pylori infection are are iron deficiency anemia, Vitamin B12 deficiency, irritable bowel syndrome, depression or anxiety, and cognitive difficulties.


  • One of the best methods to test for H. Pylori is a stool antigen test, as it detects an active infection and counts the actual particles of the H. Pylori organism. If you’re experiencing a variety of digestive concerns, it may be beneficial to complete a comprehensive stool analysis and add H. Pylori Antigen testing as an add-on test.


Natural Treatment:

  • There are conventional methods to addressing H. Pylori with antibiotic therapy. If this method hasn’t worked for you or you are looking for an alternative approach, you may benefit from some of these suggestions below, while under the care of a qualified healthcare practitioner.
  • Diet is fundamental to eradicating H. Pylori. You absolutely want to avoid refined sugars, starchy foods, and dairy products. An anti-inflammatory diet is the key to healing the gut.
  • Anti-inflammatory Diet:
    • Protein: grass fed, pasture raised, cage free, wild caught animal proteins
    • Healthy fats/oils: coconut oil, avocado oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, grass fed ghee
    • Vegetables: Receive 2-3 servings of leafy greens per day, such as kale, swiss chard, spinach, collard greens, arugula (can add into smoothies, salads, or lightly sautéed); focus on non-starchy vegetables
    • Fruits: berries and other low glycemic fruits
    • Sweeteners: use very small amounts of raw honey; can use stevia, xylitol, or monkfruit.
    • Apple cider vinegar: 1 Tablespoon in 2oz of water, 15 minutes before meals
    • Lemon in warm or room temperature water daily and as a dressing for salads
    • Chew your food slowly (30-40 chews per bite).
    • Eat proteins at the beginning of the meal
    • Eat in a relaxed fashion
  • Consume these additional foods to restore the health of your stomach lining:
    • Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
    • Liberal amounts of olive oil and coconut oil
    • Garlic (make sure to chop it and let is sit for 10 minutes prior to consumption to promote its antimicrobial properties)
    • Fermented foods: sugar-free sauerkraut or kimchi
    • Green tea
    • Spirulina and chlorella
  • Targeted supplements can further aid in antimicrobial efforts and soothing inflammation in the gut.
    • Antimicrobial herbs:
      • Anise
      • Clove
      • Barberry Extract (Berberis Aristata or Vulgaris)
      • Goldenseal Extract (Hydrastis Canadensis)
      • Oregano Extract (Origanum Vulgare)
      • Chinese Goldthread Extract (Coptis Chinensis)
      • Oregon Grape (Mahonia Aquifolium)
    • Natural anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients:
        • Slippery Elm
        • Aloe vera
        • Licorice root
        • L-glutamine
        • MSM
    • Probiotics: saccharomyces boulardii is a great probiotic to address H. Pylori concerns
    • Because H. Pylori can neutralize stomach acid, a Betaine Hydrochloride supplement can be a beneficial addition to the protocol.


If you have any questions or need specific guidance on evaluating your health concerns, schedule your complimentary 10 minute consultation with Dr. Yas by booking online or calling 480-779-8854.